The San Bernardino County Library and First 5 San Bernardino have partnered in support of the Vision2Read initiative to help promote early literacy throughout the county.
How Does it Work?

– Use your existing account, or
– Create an account if you do not have one

• Earn digital badges each time you read 25 books.
• Earn fun incentives for every 100 books read.
• Earn a special reward when you reach 500.
• Automatically entered into grand prize drawing when you read 1,000 books. (Grand prizes are drawn every 6 months)

Here are 6 Early Literacy Skills to help guide you:
- Vocabulary Building– reading regularly expands your child’s vocabulary by introducing words that may not come in in everyday conversations.
- Print Motivation: having access to plenty of books as well as modeling an enjoyment of reading help keep a young child excited about reading.
- Print Awareness: Words are everywhere, take the time to point them out to your child!
- Narrative Skills: Ask questions before, during and after reading to help build comprehension. Make up stories with your child to also build these skills.
- Letter Knowledge: Point out letters at every chance you get and tell your child the name and sound. See if they can repeat it back to you.
- Phonological Awareness: Rhyming is a wonderful way to introduce phonics and word sounds to your child. Singing is a fun way to introduce rhyming as well.

Promote, support and enhance the health and early development of children prenatal through age five and their families and communities.
For more information, visit us at

Vision2Read invites all of San Bernardino County to join this effort and help “raise the bar” for literacy in our community and advance our efforts to achieve the Countywide Vision. Visit for more information.