Adelanto Branch Library

Adelanto Branch Library

Branch Manager:
Lisa Hazen

Branch Hours:
Monday 11-7
Tuesday 11-7
Wednesday 11-7
Thursday 10-6
Friday Closed
Saturday 9-5
Sunday Closed

Branch Location & Phone Number:

11497 Bartlett Ave.
PO Box 37
Adelanto, CA 92301-1901

Branch Description

The Adelanto Branch Library was originally established in 1921 and is located in the desert region.

All branch libraries provide free access to computer workstations which are connected to the Library’s information network. In addition to providing Internet access, these workstations enable the public to search San Bernardino County Library’s many electronic resources including the online catalog, subscription databases, word processing, language learning, literacy and a large historic document and photograph collection. 

This branch offers Adult Literacy Service.

All branches offer free public programs.